quinta-feira, dezembro 09, 2004

Extreme Lady
The Spirit Carries On

Where did we come from?
Why are we here?
Where do we go when we die?
What lies beyond And what lay before?
Is anything certain in life?
They say " Life is too short""The here and the now"And
''You`re only given one shot"
But could there be more
Have I lived before
Or could tis be all that we`ve got?
If I die tomorrow
I`d be allright
Because I believeThat after we`re gone
The spirit carries on
I used to be frightened of dying
I used to think death was the end
But that was before
I`m not scared anymore
I know that my soul will transcend
I may never find all the answers
I never understand whyI may never prove
What I know to be true
But I know that I still have to try
If I die tomorrow
I`d be allright
Because I believe
That after we`re gone
The spirit carries on

Lyrics by : DREAM THEATER ( Scenes From A Memory) (1999)

Extreme Lady

sábado, dezembro 04, 2004

My love

It’s been a long time since I felt like this...
Did I ever felt like this?
My heart beats more and more
I feel butterflies all over my body
Wend you look at me I can’t say a thing...

Every day I miss you
Every day I think of you
Every day I imagine you and me …

I saw you passing through me lot’s of times
And I never see it coming...
How could I know that you were everything I wanted?
Everything that I wish for

With this feeling growing,
My fear of losing you is bigger and bigger
I’m afraid of not felling your lips again...
Remember the first time that we kiss?!
I do... Like it was today...
It just fit, like they were made for each other...

Every day I miss you
Every day I think of you
Every day I imagine you and me …

sexta-feira, dezembro 03, 2004

Ruby 3..


huu ,Every thing seems so easy wend you are in love
You think that you’ll never be wrong, that he is the one that he only lives for you , but the truth is that things go wrong , that’s your story , now listen what I say ,what I have to say

1 month , roses every day ,
, love promises
then, you feel in love
and now he cams home so late at night, saying he was work , but you call and he was not there, wend it was the last time he loved you, now he’s gone

do you feel like crying
do you feel betrayed
girl get up , there’s someone out there who is waiting, he’s no good , leave him coz his love is long gone
hell never, hell never ,hell never change

look outside, just see the sun is shining on you ,
you don’t need him , he’s a dark cloud in a blue sky,
breathe the new air, , , no more lies

first it was lying (no more)
second was crying (no more)
third it was cheating (no more)
I said it was over, yes it is

Ruby (black hair)

Só Eu ( Ninguém o sabe )

Eu finjo que estou bem por te teres ido embora

Pelo menos uma vez sei que perdi alguém que amei e estou morrendo

Como um palhaço monto um circo a dor é real demais

Por dentro choro mas ninguém ninguém o sabe só eu

E ninguém o sabe só eu

Os dias são escuros e as noites são de dor

Na minha mente passa o filme e sinto a tua falta

E ninguém o sabe só eu ninguém o sabe só eu

Agora que estas longe sei o quanto eu te amei

O meu ar eras tu, em desespero grito que te amo

Mas não te encontras aqui para me ouvires

Perdi-te, esqueceste, lembraste

MAS ninguém o sabe, mas ninguém o sabe só eu, só eu só eu

A tua face tatuada na minha mente e só me resta esperar pelo nascer do sol

Ruby And Rrurry!

Never lived my life, alone
Always had few friends, real friends to me
But people look, at my friends, and they say,
Ho what a shame

What they don’t know is that
Money ain’t a thing without true friends,
And I just wanna say one word to those people
Who talk about me «out»

Look at me, I’m not a freak, I’m just me.

Yes, i like to go out at night having fun with my good crazy wonderful friends

If you don’t like me ,or like them,
Sorry but I’m happy

What they don’t know is that money ain’t a thing
Without true friends, and I just wanna say one word to them, ear me

Stay out of my personal life
Coz I/ I don’t care about your life
So leave, leave me/ I think you need advise but, not my own
I’m doing fine like this

My friends ho my friends…

A Word

I’m crying...
Crystal tears are running down my face
Like sharp knifes cutting deep into my heart...

A word can change the world
A word can bring me down...
So down that I will walk away
With arms wide Open

Open for somebody to hold
Somebody who feels me...

I did close my eyes and pray
For the little boy to think as a man...
But I didn't pray hard enough

So I will keep my feelings inside
Until I hear the right Word...

quarta-feira, dezembro 01, 2004

Extreme Attitude (my band) http://extremeattitude.tripod.com

´´So try again, so think again´´

So, we lost a battle, we didn’t lost the war, so what?
Why you looking at us like you’re the best, you and your pretty boys pretending that are men, showing of your tats, and your big instruments ,hey try again coz we are EXTREME ATTITUDE, and we rock, can you rock

So you keep telling me that I’m just a girl, and girls don’t play with big boys, well they don’t mind, coz they know you’re jealous, you know you are

There’s M playing first guitar, look at my left there’s J.A slapping his bass, you stop smiling, then you spotted V jamming on his guitar, you cant believe what you see, just behind me there’s G hitting hard and fast on his drums, you leave the room, so now you know we rock, so can you rock

So try again, so think again coz we are EXTREME ATTITUDE and we rock \m/


INNNOCENT http://members.netmadeira.com/rubyroque/Extreme%20Attitude%20-Inocent%20(%20live%20at%20camara%20de%20lobos).mp3

Like the frontier that separate 2 lands
One was so beauty other was so dark

Was like you and me fighting the spot
Was like you and me fighting the spot

You were a drug thats the science of things

Was like a spell that you cast on me
Was like a spell that you cast on me


On the day that mars came
Your spell on me was broke
I sang to the dark sky
Watched you staying so small
My voice was saying so
Won this fight

Was so far from what I could be
Was so far from what I


Was so far from what I could be
Was so far from what i
